Impurity in Decision Trees: A Beginner's Guide


6 min read

I hope you are doing great so today we will discuss about some importatnt topics related to decision tree algorithm and these topics are concept of impurity and measures of impurity in decision tree. Wihtout any further delay let's get started

Introduction to Decision Trees

Decision tree is a supervised machine learning algorithm that is used to solve both classification as well as regression problems and because of this unique property of this algorihtm, it is also known as CART i.e. classification and regression tree. Now before moving on to indepth understanding of working of decision tree, let me give you a simple overview of how decision tree works.

Decision trees basically behaves like a nested if else condition and uses the current best feature from the data to split the parent datasets into child datasets and the same process gets repeated again and again upto a specific condition specified by the stopping criterion which is different for both classification and regression problem.

What is stopping criterion ?

In the overview of working of decision tree above I mentioned about stopping criterion so let's make this clear at the start what does this mean and what commonly used stopping criterion for classification and regression problem.

Stopping criterion is like a condition which if gets satisfied we simply stop the further expansion/growth of the decision tree, it is like setting up a bounding function for decison tree. Now let's see what is most commonly used stopping criterion for classification and regression problems.

Stopping CriterionClassification ProblemRegression Problem
Maximum DepthLimits the depth of the tree to control model complexityLimits the depth of the tree to control model complexity
Minimum Data PointsStops splitting if the number of data points is below a specified thresholdStops splitting if the number of data points is below a specified threshold
Impurity ThresholdStops splitting if the impurity (e.g., Gini impurity or entropy) falls below a specified thresholdNot applicable
Information Gain ThresholdStops splitting if the information gain falls below a specified thresholdNot applicable
Variance Reduction ThresholdNot applicableStops splitting if the reduction in variance falls below a specified threshold
Now since you are aware about stopping criterion, let us now discuss some more topics which are fundamental building blocks for decision trees.

Concept of impurity in decision trees

While studying about decision tree from any of the resource you would often hear a particular term called "impurity" now instead of directly jumping on to discussing the technqiues used to measure impurity let us first understand what does impurity actaully means in the context of solving classification problems using decision trees.

In the context of classification impurity basically means the measure of homogeneity within the class labels like after splitting the parent dataset into the child datasets we want that the randomness or disorder withing the class labels of the child datasets must be reduced leading to increase in homogeneity.

A homogeneous dataset is one where the class labels are evenly distributed, while a heterogeneous dataset is one where the class labels are not evenly distributed.

Small test for checking your understanding

Let's me take a small test of yourself about your understanding of the concept of impurity of homogeneity. Take a look at the 2 data distributions below and answer which one will be having more entropy ?

Correct answer: Out of both the 1st one is having more entropy than 2nd and the reason is that in case of 1st data distribution the homogeneity(purity) is less and heterongeneity(impurity) is more, and since entropy is measure of impurity thus 1st will be having more entropy than 2nd data distribution

Measures of impurity

As we just discussed about the concept of impurity in decision trees in the context of classification and regression let us now talk about an important measure of impurity/homegeneity for classification problems gini impurity and entropy. In the coming couple minutes we will take a look at

  • How to calculate gini impurity and entropy ?

  • Which measure to use when ?

Gini impurity

Gini impurity also called "Gini index" is a measure of impurity of homgeneity used in decision tree. Mathematically gini impurity or gini index is defined as

Now to better understand this let us consider a dataset and in that dataset we will calculate the gini impurity.

Decision Tree | Decision Tree Introduction With Examples | Edureka

In the above dummy dataset we have 5 main features ( ignoring the rec ) and out of these 5 features the Buys_computer is our target label having 2 classes No and Yes. So in this case this case there will be 2 unqiue values for p i.e. p(Yes) and p(No)

The range of gini impurity is between 0 to 0.5


Just like gini impurity entropy is also a measure of impurity or homogeneity, mathematicall entorpy is defined as

Now again to get better understanding of how to calculate entropy let us take the above dummy dataset and calculate entropy for that dummy dataset.

Decision Tree | Decision Tree Introduction With Examples | Edureka

Range of entropy is from 0 to 1.

How to decide wheter to use gini or entropy

The answer to this question is that it is totally based on the data which you are having at hand, for smaller dataset you can use gini as well as entropy as measure of impurity but for the larger dataset it is always recommended to use the gini impurity and the reason is that in case of entropy is computatinally expensive because logbase 2 is involved in the mathematical expression and due to this log the overall computation could take a good amount of time, whereas in case of gini the computation is less for calulcating the impurity thus better for larger dataset.

Short note

I hope you good understanding of what are decision trees, what is the conept of impurity and what are the ways to measure impurity. So if you liked this blog or have any suggestions kindly like this blog or leave a comment below it would mean a to me.

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