What's my true intention behind writing this blog ? π
Hey , myself Yuvraj Singh currently doing my Computer science degree in Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning from Chandigarh university ( a tier 3 university with a great experience in running digital marketing ads all over youtube) . But for now don't worry In this blog I will not cry about why tier 3 college sucks , because that's what most of the individuals are doing right now on Quora and Youtube !!.
My true intention behind writing this blog post is seriously not to get keykron keyboard , instead I really want to thanks Kunal kushwaha and Community Classroom to value my hardwork which I put into blogs by sending this message last month ( July )β¬οΈ
So without any further due , let explain you first what you will get from this short ...... journey on this blog post . Basically there would be total 3 chapters in which I will explain 3 different phases of my University and In each chapter you will not only get to know about my story , but you will also get links of all the things I would mention ( Courses , Books , Blogs and websites ) .
Chapter 1 : Gave JEE but not to get into IIT
Now before explaining what you just read , let me tell you little bit about my back story . Basically I belong from Ropar , Punjab and from there I completed my schooling in 2021 from Shiwalik Public School , Ropar with an overall 91.8 % percent marks in my 12th . But the problem is that nobody take these marks serious because everyone thinks that getting these many marks in your boards exam during covid period was piece of cake . This statement is reality disheartening to listen not only for me but for all those who dedicated 8-9 hours everyday in that period to get good marks . But let's forget about it and move to next paragraph where you will read something which you would not expect to hear from an individual who is preparing for his board exams .
Got to know about JEE for very first time and just 2 months before the exam π€―
In December 2020 , for the very first time I got to know about JEE exam , from my friend who just filed the application for appearing in february(2021) exam , and I still remember he was like , really bro ?! you don't know what is JEE ? And with a straight expressionless face I said no , after which he told me that you will not be successful in life especially in India , because you are not preparing for JEE and since you are not preparing for JEE it is obvious that you will not get in IIT and since you will not get into IIT you will get a tier 3 college in which you get a 3-4 lakhs/annum package in Tech and you will struggle for your whole life with Rs 20,000 -40,000 salary .
Got the percentile which would surprise you !! π½
Now after listening my whole life story in short from my friend's mouth , I still didn't gave a damn F#$k about JEE and IIT and the reason was that I was so much bored by studying physics , chemistry and mathematics during covid period for boards exam preperation that , I never wanted to study those things again even at any cost , instead I was ready to again put 8-9 hours hustle in something new and during that period my new was ( Aerospace Engineering ) .
But as my friend forced me to give one try In JEE exam , I gave my JEE exam with 0 intention to get good marks , but instead just to make a memory that I gave JEE exam and to experience what it feels to be in examination room competing for most difficult exam for any 12th grade student . Now as you would expect I got 23 percentile in JEE exams but I was happy that for once I gave JEE exam .
My friend predictions about my future were actually true πͺ
Now as my friend predicted I got admission in Chandigarh University ( tier 3 university with a great experience in running digital marketing ads all over youtube ) . But here the catch is even though I didn't got great percentile in JEE , but I managed to get 50% scholarship because of my CUCET exam score . Now because of the scholarship my fees to be paid got reduced to half and Now I only had to pay Rs 5 lakhs for 4 years instead of 10 lakhs . But here you would realize that I didn't mentioned in which branch I am pursuing my 4 year degree , so for that let's move on to next chapter .
Chapter 2 : Didn't like Computers but Chose the Most difficult Computer Science degree
If you are reading this blog post with some attention then, you would remember that in chapter 1 , I mentioned that I would love to see my career in Aerospace engineering, but in reality, I joined Chandigarh university as a Computer science student of Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning. So what changed so much of my mind that made me to join the most toughest computer science degree ?
This thing blown my mind π§
Before giving answer to why I chose computer science branch , I would really appreciate if you would first click on π this link πafter which you will be redirected to an interface in which when you will type something , some magic would happen and you will get to know that what you typed is positive , negative or netural .
I got to know about it on Instagram and when I first used it , at that moment my mind was completely blown , becuase I was not able to get this thing in my mind that this software was being able to perfectly detect my intention behind my typed words . So from there I started discovering more about it and after doing research of about 1 week , I got to know that this magic happen in Machine learning under ( Sentiment analysis ).
Now the thing was that , after doing research for 1 week regarding this sentiment analysis , I discovered a great interest in AI and ML , and realized how powerful this thing is , so after that I started surfing on youtube regading , what things do we need to learn for Machine learning and while searching I discovered this man π
This man right here , told what things do we need to become machine learning engineer , and after watching this video I made a flowchart , but as soon as I made the flowchart I realised that this is not a game of 6 months , it might take me a year or two to truly understand the concepts and to be practically profficient in it . Now the problem was that while reading machine learning blogs on the internet and by watching more youtube videos for a moment I was little doubtful , that whether I will be able to cope up with mathematics part of machine learning , but since I was determined towards what I want to do , I wasted no time to tell my parents that I want to choose machine learning as my career .
My first day at university π
Just like any other individual my first day at university was also full of confusion regarding , where is my department , where is my class , will I be able to fit in with new individuals with different backgrounds , but the thing is that everyone goes through the same thing , and if you would put a little effort to intentionally meet new individuals , eventually you will realize that nobody is better than you which you thought in your mind that ( might be everyone in college would be intelligent or smart etc ) .
The above image which you can see , the reason why I am absent from this picture is because I was the one who was taking the picture itself .
How I made friends , even as an introvert during 1 semester π
Being an introvert in my case was not my choice instead this quality got instilled in me , during my school time , especially during the period of 10th -12th class and the reason behind it was that I always was a very studious student and My daily routine was School -> Tutions -> Home . This was my universe at that time and since I loved to study a lot thus I had many few friends with whom I could spend time with .
But before my first day at university, I made my mind that I would completely change the way I interact with people , because being an introvert was easy but at the same time it was little painful also because I had no one to spend time which some time made me little depressed , thus in order to be more social I started watching some youtube videos with some practical advice and not just random theory , so while finding out such content I found out this youtube video which will definitly help you a lot if you are an introvert like me
After watching prakhar's video , I knew how I would slowly and steadily build my social life in university , and the day I went to university for the very first time , I made sure that I met every individual in my class atleast once , and during that process I realised that how easy it was to interact with someone . Down below I am sharing the images of the friends I made on my very first day at university
How I studied in My first semester and the resources I followed π
If you are also just like me doing computer science engineering from any college , then you would also know that first semester feels similar to our class 12th because of the subjects you are being taught such as ( Physics , Mathematics , Biology , Digital Electronics etc ) . But the way you must approach in university must be different , because as per my experience your internal marks given by your professor matters a lot , and the way you can proove that you are a bright student is through the way you perform in your practicals .
Tips to perfrom better in your practicals at university : In universtiy most of the time you don't get a lot of time and eqquipments to perform a particular practical again and again , thus most of the students during the practical exams perform great in the viva but are not able to perform the practicals practically , thus the best way to dodge this situation is that must always click the picture of the equipment while doing practical , so that you could actually revise all the things regarding how to actually perform the practical in the exam . For example I usually clicked the picture of the equiments at university and after returning home I used to make my own notes regarding the way to perform the practical by watching the image of the actual apparataus
Here are some of the Youtube channels you can refer while preparing for you exams during your first year of engineering β¬οΈ
This was all about the genral subject which you have to study , but at the same time in my first semester I was introduced to programming in C language , which was completely new and difficult for me at that moment , and the reason behind was that during my school time there was no option to opt computer programming as an optional subject , due to which it was a heavy task for me to learn programming at the start .
During my first semster I used to go to libraray a lot to find some of the best resources such as books in order to learn programming in C , and after putting some time in my library I got my hands on some amazing books which you can refer while learning programming in C , but at the same time I would also recommend that if possible start with C++ instead of C , the reason behind my this suggestion , I would explain in just a minute , but before take a look at some of the books I used to learn programming during my very first semester at university
Apart from it , if you want to get your hands on any books in ebook form then you can use πThis linkπ
Chapter 3 : My Unique Love story of 2nd semester π
My second semester was a little turbulent for me , because a lot of things happened in my 2nd semester , I fall in love with something , but then eventually loose interest in it . Hey , my friend if you are looking for something spicy or interesting then let me tell you , that sorry you will not find anything in my unique love story which I will be sharing , because this is only related to my studies and not with any girl !!
Found my first love π
At the start of my 2nd semester , for the very first time I was feeling lonely because , I need something to spend my time with after preparing Data structures and algorithms from Kunal kushwaha java playlist , so one day I met web development , and the moment I got introduced to this domain , I was very much attracted by the beauty and simplicity to getting started , and the reason behind it was web deveopment didn't had a lot of tantrums at the start as I only needed to learn html and css to see my code into some elegant interface .
Thus from there the more time I spent with web development , the more I loved it , even though I was doing my degree in Artificial intelligence and Machine learning . But ,
After 2 weeks web development actually started showing its true colors , because now the things were not going as per the way I wanted . For example : I wanted to center the div but I was unable to do so , thus I realised that I in order to make my relationship with web development keep going I need to work on myself be learning responsiveness for websites.
Thus after doing research of about 3-4 days I came across some amazing Youtube channels that helped me a lot to understand the responsive design better , so here are some of the resources such as books and videos I referred β¬οΈ
In addition to here are the some link of some amazing books which you can download for free ( Thank me later ) π
- Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS by David DuRocher
- HTML & CSS QuickStart Guide by Ben Frain
- Responsive Web Design by Ethan Marcotte
After learning responsive web-design , I started learning Javascript to make my website more human and for that the only video I followed was
Break-up after 2 months π
After 2 months of my new relationship with web development , I don't know why but I started loosing interest in it and making some projects in web dev and them putting it on my Github profile was not an interesting task anymore and the reason behind it was that I started realizing that I was actually not solving any real world problem and by real world problem I mean that I was not using a lot of data which is being produced my the world every second in tons . Now the thing which I want to make clear at the very beginning is that I am not trying to demotivate all those individuals who are into web-development , instead I am just trying to put my point of view that why I picked up machine learning compared to web development .
So as I mentioned earlier that even though I was able to make some amazing web sites using Html , CSS and Javascript but I felt that I am just making good interfaces but instead I am not solving any real world problem such as ( predicting the selling price of car based on its features or classifying the customers into different categories based on their buying patterns, web store browsing patterns ) . All of these kind of problem solving was only possible by collecting , observing or making sense of data , and all of these elements were part of machine learning itself , thus from last month of my 2nd semester I started diving deep into machine learning concepts such ( Supervised , unsupervised and reinforcement learning ).
After effects of break-up βοΈ
After finally deciding what I actually wanted to do , I started learning machine learning concepts at full pace , with proper mathematical intuition behind machine learning algorithms , practical implementation of machine learning algorithms using python . In addition to it I also got to know that machine learning itself is not just about selecting the best machine learning algorithms instead the main thing before implementing any machine learning algorithm was Collecting raw data , doing processing of that data , doing feature engineering on that data , splitting the data into test-train and then there came applying best machine learning algorithm on the train data to make machine learning model learn .
Studying machine learning is not that difficult but only if you would choose the right approach , because most of the students just like me have great interest in machine learning and data science fields but never start their journey because most of the students feel that learning ML is just for excellent students as it involves statisitcs , probability , linear algebra and calculus etc , but in reality you just don't need to know all this thing prior starting machine learning . Just start with the basics and learn the things on the way just like I did
If you want to know about the resources I followed to start with machine learning , then down there is list of all the resources to getting started with machine learning β¬οΈ
- Mathematics for Machine learning
- Important Machine learning algorithms
- Introduction to Machine Learning with Python ( book )